Graduate Stipends in the Humanities *

Three CEEEC Humanities Graduate Stipends valued at $5K each are available for students entering Laurentian’s interdisciplinary Humanities M.A. Program or Ph.D. in Human Studies in September 2016. These stipends will be in addition to the standard funding packages offered to incoming graduate students in these programs.

Successful candidates will be expected to participate in CEEEC activities, and to conduct independent thesis research under the supervision of (one or both of) CEEEC’s philosophers – Dr. Brett Buchanan and Dr. Gillian Crozier.  We are especially interested in students with training in both Humanities and Biology, and whose graduate thesis projects could be co-supervised by a CEEEC ecologist.

These stipends are funded through a generous SSHRC Aid to Small Universities Grant awarded to CEEEC for 2014-2017.




Thesis Opportunities in Biology * 

CEEEC’s ecological researchers – Drs. Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde, David Lesbarrères, and Jacqueline Litzgus – are often on the lookout for talented graduate and undergraduate students to join their labs. (Please check their lab websites for details on ongoing projects.) These positions present opportunities for students to perform their own research for a Ph.D. dissertation, M.Sc. thesis, or 4th-year thesis project in a stimulating and collaborative environment.

Applicants should be able to:

  • Work outdoors, regardless of weather, bugs, etc.
  • Follow an often-unpredictable schedule
  • Work independently in the outdoors




* CEEEC is strongly committed to diversity and equity, and individuals who self-identify as members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.