Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde

Director of CEEEC, Professor; Canada Research Chair in Applied Evolutionary Ecology

Department of Biology



Stothart, M., C. Bobbie**, A.I. Schulte-Hostedde, R. Boonstra, R. Palme, N. Mykyczuk, and A. Newman. 2016. Stress and the microbiome: linking glucocorticoids to bacterial community dynamics in wild red squirrels. Biology Letters. 12: 20150875


Schulte-Hostedde, A.I. and G.F. Mastromonaco. 2015. “Integrating evolution in the management of captive zoo populations.” Evolutionary Applications. 8(5): 413-422.

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Nituch, L.A., J. Bowman, P.J. Wilson, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2015. “Aleutian mink disease virus in striped skunks: evidence for cross-species spillover.” Journal of Wildlife Disease. 51(2): 389-400.

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Martinez, M.L., V. Mullin, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2015. “Variation in sperm morphometry of the African cyprinid Barbus neumayeri.” Canadian Journal of Zoology. 93(4): 259-266.

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Crozier G.K.D. and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2015. “Why training in ecological research must incorporate ethics education.” In: A. Gutmann, L.M. Lee, M.Z. Solomon, editors. Hasting Centre Report, Special Issue: Bioethics Education. 45 (5): 14-19.

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Crozier G.K.D. and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2015. “Towards improving the ethics of ecological research.” Science and Engineering Ethics. 21(3): 577-594.

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Mastromonaco, G.F., K. Gunn, H. McCurdy-Adams, D.B. Edwards, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2014. "Validation and use of hair cortisol as a measure of chronic stress in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)." Conservation Physiology. 2(1).

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Foster, J.M., F. Landemann, L. Ford, K.L. Johnston, S.C Elsasser, A.I. Schulte-Hostedde, M.J. Taylor, and B.E. Slatko. 2014. "Absence of Wolbachia endobacteria in the human parasitic nematode Dracunculus medinensis and two related Dracunculus species infecting wildlife." Parasites and Vectors. 7: 140.

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Edwards, D.B., M. Haring, H.G. Gilchrist, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2014. "Does social mating system limit maternal immune investment in shorebirds?" Canadian Journal of Zoology. 92(3): 223-228.

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Crozier, G.K.D. and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2014. "The ethical dimensions of wildlife disease management in an evolutionary context." Evolutionary Applications. 7(7): 788-798.

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Bowman, J., A.G. Kidd, L.A Nituch, C. Sadowski, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2014. "Testing for Aleutian disease virus in river otter (Lontra canadensis) in sympatry with infected American mink (Neovison vison)." Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 50(3): 689-693.

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Laurence, S., M.J. Smith, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2013. “Effects of structural connectivity on fine scale population genetic structure of muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus.” Ecology and Evolution. 3(10): 3524-3535.

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Edwards, D.B., E.H. Chin, G. Burness, H.G. Gilchrist, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2013. "Linking sex differences in glucocorticoids with individual reproductive behaviour and hatch success in two species of uniparental shorebirds." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 166(1): 169-176.

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Díez-León, M., J. Bowman, S. Bursian, H. Filion, D. Galicia, J. Kanefsky, A. Napolitano, R. Palme, A.I. Schulte-Hostedde, K. Scribner, and G. Mason. 2013. "Captivity-induced stereotypies predict poor performance in mate choice competitions." PLoS One. e80494.

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Beauclerc, K.B., J. Bowman, A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2013. "Assessing the cryptic invasion of a domestic conspecific: American mink in their native range." Ecology and Evolution. 3(7): 2296-2309.

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Balish, S.M., M.A. Eys, and A.I. Schulte-Hostedde. 2013. "Evolutionary sport and exercise psychology: Integrating proximate and ultimate explanations." Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 14(3): 413-422.

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